Monday, October 30, 2006

Good Times, Great Oldies, Hits Just Keep on Comin'

We broke the $3K mark on the Bad Beat Jackpot last week. That silly ass $1 Rebuy Tournament was hilarious.

  • $1 Buy-in.
  • Ten players.
  • Eighty-Six (86) Rebuys
  • Nine players made it to the break
  • All Nine took a double add-on
  • $114 in the prize pool

In the not-so-distant future, look for a real-deal local Rebuy Tourney. It'll still be donkalicious, but the levels will be much longer and there will be some decent money at stake, expecting to get a $5K+ prize pool if I can pull it off correctly.

But enough about that, how 'bout Wednesdays? Cards will be in the air at 1900 this Wednesday. No Free-roll, no rebuy tourney, just a hot scrumptious home-cooked meal and your beverage of choice waiting for you... along with nine of your favorite donkeys.

Pops has been on a hell of a rampage lately. He did well at our game, destroyed Fish Tank Steve's $1/$3 NL two Thursdays ago, and just this past Friday he went up to AC and took down the $80+$20 NLHE tourney for a nice $2300+ hit. He'll be present and ready to toss some chips around.

With a player whose motto has now become "Three outs or less = $$$$" how can you stay away?

Adam and Ryan are back from Vegas (for a moment). Saw 'em last night at The Fish Tank and they said they were likely to show on Wednesday as well. It's always fun to get a $5/$10 NL player at a $1/$2 NL game. Oh, how the chips soar.

River Ed missed his chance to play Steve's $200+$20 last Sunday, maybe I can twist his arm enough to get him out to the Corral. No promises, but I'll see what I can do.

If you're not getting your balls in there, you should probably get 'em looked at. Hit me up on AIM (Edna Jones), E-mail, or give a call if you've got the number to lock up a seat.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


If you've played a live cash game, you've heard the popular shortening of the phrase "You know, I really think this would be a good time to bet (or raise to) Eleven." It's comes out as "Yo'leven" or simply "Yo." Why is this worth being mentioned? Because the Bad Beat Jackpot is now just $11 shy of $3,000. Lose a pot with AAAJJ (or better) when you and your opponent use both hole cards and you're looking at a nice pay day. Just for being dealt into the hand you get to split up a quarter of that jackpot. Figure close to $750 split up six or eight ways... better than $93 to $125 / person just for being in the hand, not to mention you get a whole quarter of it if you're holding the winning the hand, and half the jackpot for taking the gruesome beat.

I've been spending time trying to track down new players and I've had some success. We've been doing breakfast for dinner, Thanxgiving dinnner last night, all kinds of interesting ideas. For some reason, a $50 Free-roll always seems to draw 'em out, too.

For this coming game, I'm gonna do something that's downright idiotic, stupid, but probably pretty fun. Starting at 1859, we're gonna do a single-table $1 rebuy speed tournament. Your buy-in of $1 gets you a hunnert tournament chips, and any time you've got less than a hunnert in your stack, you can get a hunnert more. Players can put up $2 to start with two hundred chips. At the end of the fourth level, you can add-on 150 chips for $1 or you can elect for a double-add-on of 300 chips for $2.

Blinds are gonna be fast and furious, but I expect the prize pool to possibly be as high as $50 or if it gets incredibly donkalicious, possibly over $100. There is no set pay-out structure, once the remaining players agree on a breakdown, that's what we'll do.

As soon as those shenanigans are finished with, we'll move on to $1/$2 NL for the rest of the night. While everyone is waiting for the $1 donkfest to finish up, we can enjoy some tasty grub, and place prop bets on whose gonna fuck off their chips first.

Hit me up via PM on or drop me a msg via AIM (Edna Jones), or send me a good old-fashioned e-mail.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Waiting Sucks

Last week I did a $75 Free-roll (that ended up being $80) that had four people chop up a free $20 each. We then kicked off the game with Ricky Bobby, E-Honda, Tight Andrew, JacJr, Nevin, Bartender Pete, Pops, Kiki, Mikey, and Jefferson. All were seated from the one to the ten, in that order.

Before we even started the free-roll Haga and Steve were present and waiting for a seat. A new player from met up with Kiki, Nelly, and I at the Union Jack's $0+$0 donkament the night before, and she sent her husband, Jeff, to the game to play. He was third on the list, if I remember correctly. Maybe before Steve. Bessman found out the game was strong, and he got on the list from the comfort of his own home.

Around 2100/2130, Jeff's wife Katie showed up and if I remember correctly, as she was going on the waitlist, her husband still hadn't received a seat. He said it was worth the comic value. Mikey and JacJr and Ricky were tossing insults left and right with Pops chiming in from time to time.

Some time around 0030/0100, I had cleared the wait list and sat all the players. Bessman ran his $150 buy-in up to $900 even, and soon after he left, the game broke at an unheard-of 0230. Kinda sucks that neither Adam and Ryan nor Sun showed up to fill in for the late shift, and SuperDave cheated on us by going to AC. But I'll just have to forgive them.

But either way, it was a very good game. Tight Andrew finished the night for well-over $1K and Steve went from trying to throw a party to squeezing out a $100 win. Hell, even Pops made a couple of hundred dollars on some well-timed suckouts.

After the game broke Nelly, Ricky Bobby, Gypsy Pete, and Katie played a four-handed $40 Sit N Go. I dealt it, and before we got to fourth round, Gypsy and Ricky were h/u.

Katie had gone home, but like any true degenerate, Ricky and Gypsy weren't done getting their gamble on. So I joined the two of them to play a three-handed $25 buy-in PLHE SNG. I got off to a good start, but doubled-up Ricky when I c/r'd him on a flop and potted the turn dark. He didn't hesitate to call when he turned the nut frush.

All-in-all it was a fun time. But the moral of the story is get here on time if you can, and lock up a seat. I'm gonna do a 1915 start time this coming Wednesday, and if you'd like to lock up a seat for the start time, let me know via PM/AIM, or E-mail. Feel free to use Alexander Graham Bell's invention if you're that old-fashioned and know the number.

Nelly did some from-scratch Lasagna and it was yummy as always. Not sure what we'll put on the menu yet, but feel free to make a suggestion.

Thank you all for keeping our game alive, hope to see you again soon!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Play to Win

Remember the days when we played back "at the Kids' place" in College Park where JMac Jeef was staying, and Smitty and his boys used to eat all of our Taco Pie? Remember when Nevin used to terrorize the other players, re-pop it $50 more pf, watch people fold JJ face-up, so he could turn over 5c2c and says "Play to Win."

We'll Nevin is coming out of retirement and he'll be in attendance this Wednesday. I'ma try to get some other fresh meat out on the table, too.

For those of you that haven't heard, we had a custom table made for our game and took its virginity last week. Super-soft rail, nice enough for E-Honda to pass out on. Special thanx to Ricky Bobby for his craftsmanship. If you or someone you know would like to have a quality table built, I'll get you in touch with him.

That damned Bad Beat Jackpot keeps growing. Summamabischt is now up to $2,863. Every time a pot gets up to $100 or more, we add $1 to the Bad Beat Jackpot. Lose a hand with AAAJJ (or better) when you and your opponent use both hole cards, and the best hand gets 25% of the Jackpot. Second place gets 50%, and the remaining 25% is divided up among any other player dealt two cards in that hand.

But don't forget the food! When you're coming to the Donkey Corral to play some $1/$2 NL, for God's sake, come hungry! Nelly always prepares a scrumpdiddlyumptious meal, and there's plenty of sodas and beer in the fridge and snacks chilling by the coffee table.

Hit me up via AIM, E-mail, or make a post on MD-Poker (or even send a PM). Just lemme know if you're gonna come. Leave a comment on here if you're super lazy and don't to click too many other places.

See ya on Wednesday. Come get your balls in there!