Monday, October 30, 2006

Good Times, Great Oldies, Hits Just Keep on Comin'

We broke the $3K mark on the Bad Beat Jackpot last week. That silly ass $1 Rebuy Tournament was hilarious.

  • $1 Buy-in.
  • Ten players.
  • Eighty-Six (86) Rebuys
  • Nine players made it to the break
  • All Nine took a double add-on
  • $114 in the prize pool

In the not-so-distant future, look for a real-deal local Rebuy Tourney. It'll still be donkalicious, but the levels will be much longer and there will be some decent money at stake, expecting to get a $5K+ prize pool if I can pull it off correctly.

But enough about that, how 'bout Wednesdays? Cards will be in the air at 1900 this Wednesday. No Free-roll, no rebuy tourney, just a hot scrumptious home-cooked meal and your beverage of choice waiting for you... along with nine of your favorite donkeys.

Pops has been on a hell of a rampage lately. He did well at our game, destroyed Fish Tank Steve's $1/$3 NL two Thursdays ago, and just this past Friday he went up to AC and took down the $80+$20 NLHE tourney for a nice $2300+ hit. He'll be present and ready to toss some chips around.

With a player whose motto has now become "Three outs or less = $$$$" how can you stay away?

Adam and Ryan are back from Vegas (for a moment). Saw 'em last night at The Fish Tank and they said they were likely to show on Wednesday as well. It's always fun to get a $5/$10 NL player at a $1/$2 NL game. Oh, how the chips soar.

River Ed missed his chance to play Steve's $200+$20 last Sunday, maybe I can twist his arm enough to get him out to the Corral. No promises, but I'll see what I can do.

If you're not getting your balls in there, you should probably get 'em looked at. Hit me up on AIM (Edna Jones), E-mail, or give a call if you've got the number to lock up a seat.


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