Monday, July 24, 2006

Get your money for nothin', get your BALLS IN THERE for free

In honor of Jersey's old state tax, we're giving a 6% buy-in bonus for all those that arrive before 1915 and mention said offer. That's quarter after seven in the evening for those that can't subtract by 12. A measly six percent might not sound like much, but that ought to help cover your gas money, a free lap dance, maybe even a nasty Jersey Hooker.

But beware the Jersey Hookers, I hear they're bad for your karma.

The Bad Beat Jackpot is up to $2,464. Lose a hand with AAAJJ (or better) at showdown when you and your opponent use both hole cards, and you're looking at 50% to free-roll your self into another bad beat. 25% goes to the best hand, remaining 25% goes to anyone else dealt into the hand.

If we're lucky, we'll catch some of the big winners from the Fish Tank that played the $1/$3 NL Sunday game. Be sure to check out that game if you ever get the chance. I'm gonna ride Pops' case until he convinces himself to miss a Thursday of work to come out and play our game. We might get Floppy Joe if he's in the mood. Everyone's favorite Crazy Indian made an appearance at Pops' game on Saturday, he may show up as well. If we can drag Superdave away from Atlantic City, he'll show, too.

Drop me an e-mail or leave a comment on here if you're interested in playing. There will also be a thread on the Maryland Poker Forums to track attendance.

Come on out and get your balls in there. See ya Wednesday.


At Monday, July 24, 2006 3:24:00 PM, Blogger "Ricky" said...

Definately stay away from the jersey hookers. Hookers = Bad very bad Kharma and we dont no how long it lasts yet, But so far a $100 hooker has probably cost well in excess of that, I'd say thats -E/V


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