Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times...

And then get your balls in there!

Grabbed the 0430 Greyhound out of AC this morning and by 0915 we had been to the Giant and back to pick up groceries. Let your mouths water as you prepare for Nelly's scrumptious Taco Pie.

We had roughly 67 pots over $100 last Weds night, this puts the Bad Beat Jackpot at $2,377. All you've got to do is make AAAJJ (or better) and lose the pot to a better hand when both players use both hole cards. Best hand gets 25% of the Jackpot, runner-up gets 50%, anyone else dealt into the hand splits up the remaining 25%.

Last I heard, we've already got a solid starting set of players. Please don't confuse that with a starting set of solid players. Donkeys abound, to include E-Honda, Keenan, Blue and Andie, Georgia Ave, et al.


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