Thursday, July 13, 2006

Return of the Donki

That's pronounced Donk-eye... Star Wars... eh, Nevermind, I just woke up.

Bessman came back out last night. He made a couple of bucks and helped get the number of $100+ pots to 57. This puts the Bad Beat Jackpot at $2,430.

We filled up early and had a hard time busting any one of the players. Keenan and E-Honda took turns passing the Ketchup bottle back and forth while they were playing Heinz Poker.

Georgia Ave made the long jouney from Da Redbricks of N. Canada to sit at the table and brutalize and confuse all in attendance. Someone said something to him about "I thought Blue raised alot, you're more relentless than he is."

Five Fingerz was forced to wear a helmet because the deck was hitting him over the head so damn bad. Set vs Overpair, flush over flush, gimme your stack, gimme your stack, gimme your stack. Fun to watch, must of been rough to play against.

I'm surprised I'm awake as early as Noon on a Thursday. Just barely missed the 1130 bus up to AC. We're most likely going to head up there later today, coming back next Mon/Tues or so.

But, after we come back - game on! Not sure if any of you remember my sheppard's pie that I made a long long time ago, but without objections, I'll hook it up.

Cards in the air at 1900 next Weds. If you've got any questions, call the Trop Poker Room and ask for Noelle or Travis. You could also just leave a comment on here, send me an e-mail or talk to Keenan.

See ya at the next one! Thanx again to those that keep our game going strong!


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