Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hachoo! Get these chips away from me!

The last Wednesday Night game for the month of March was indeed action packed. JacJr was apparently allergic to his chips, and Besmen felt bad for flopping a Steel Wheel against the guy who turned a not-so-nut flush during his previous appearance at the Corral... the two of them gave everyone else plenty of chips to play with for the rest of the night.

Combined with the action from the previous week, the Bad Beat Jackpot is now up to $4,258. This game is sick. Lost a pot with Aces Full of Jacks at showdown when you and your opponent use both hole cards and best hand gets 25% of the Jackpot. Runner-up gets 50%, and anyone else dealt into the hand splits the remaining 25%. You could be splitting up over $1050 just for being here!

In case you didn't hear, I've renamed Ali "The One-out Knock-Out King." Two Wednesdays ago, Pops, Ali, and Stirfry took a flop of . Long story short, the pot was well over $550 when the three of them got it all in on the flop and Jeff said "Just suck-out on me on the turn, don't wait until the river, please" and Jeff turned up top set. Turn brought a board-pairing tre, and Jeff was feeling good about top boat. Pops tossed his (now dead) hand in the muck. But why has Ali not mucked? River comes off a $4,100 non case Queen and Ali says, "Sorry, buddy." Ali then shows Jeff two small pair, black threes and red threes.

The BBJ dodged a one-outer that night. That's the closest I've seen face-up in a while.

Since then, Ali's been a ninja master at catching the right card at the right time.

If you're looking to play next Wednesday, you'd best get your balls in there quick. Subscribe to the new mailing list at for an updated list of locked seats and the chance to lock it up as soon as possible for yourself.

Cards in the air at 1920 this coming Wednesday Night, 4 April 2007. Come get your balls in there!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Locked Before Listed

It's a little after Midnight on a Sunday, and I'm thinking I should probably start trying to fill my table for Wednesday Night. But the more I think about it, the more I realize the damned thing is almost full already. The action has been sick, as usual. I thought there was a small chance the game was gonna die early last week, but then we had three additional players show up after Midnight/0100.

That damned Bad Beat Jackpot is up to $4,127. That's $1,032ish to split up between anyone just dealt in to the hand.

From what I can remember, I think the list right now looks like:
  1. Nick
  2. C2D2 Katie
  3. StirFry Jeff
  4. Kiki
  5. E-Honda

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Hooray, March

Over the course of the Winter of 2007 I've heard several players, myself included say "[insert random time period, such as 'January' or 'February' or 'these past four weeks'] has been so rough for me... I can't wait until [insert the following time period, such as 'February', 'March', or 'the next four weeks']"

Well now, March is here, mother fuckers! And we brought it in with a bang last night at the game. We had a little over seventy pots over $100 to put the Bad Beat Jackpot up to $3,926. That's a hell of a hit if you can swing it. Not bad to just be dealt into one of those hands...

It was a wild night last night with a starting line-up to include Big John, NotUAE Greg, Pietro, Kiki, Menhart, Paul, Kendrick, Besmen, E-Honda, and Nevin.

Big John is starting to come around more, especially now that we're in a house and not an apartment. He brought a friend out last night, William, that was having a good time learning the rules of the game. $1/$2 NL is a hell of a game to sit in when you're just learning the rules. John got in trouble when he opened for $16 and got roughly five or six callers to a flop. Besmen c/r'd John all-in with from the big blind and John said "I ain't good enough to fold this," and called with . Turn and river bricked out, and John let William take his turn.

Greg was having a good ole time folding until he looked down at pocket Kings. Only problem was Nevin out-flopped him, and by the turn Nevin was staring at two pair AND a flush draw. That's OK! Running nines to save the day for the Kings. For the rest of the night Greg complained that no one ever called his bets or went to showdown with him, and forgot completely that he only had the chips in front of him thx to the one time a guy did go to showdown with him, Greg sucked out.

'Tro got beat up early on and ran QQ into Paul's AA. 'Tro was resilient and fought the good fight, eventually got alot of those chips back and played for many hours throughout the night.

Keenan showed up hella early and he and I played some Gin to pass the time. Ooh, that reminds me, that bitch and I need to finish that game. I think the score was 72 to 59, my favor, my deal when people started showing up to play the poque. I got really lucky on his ass when hand when he came down with 2pts deadwood and I had as my deadwood to lay right on top of his ten-high spade run. He comes down with two, and I catch his ass for 25 pts. As far as poker goes, he made a boat on the turn, and let his opponent river a flush whilst drawing dead. Certainly helped his night turn that frown upside down.

Menhart came out for what I believe was his second time ever playing our game. I think he might kill me in my sleep, though, if ever given the opportunity. He's been cold-decked like a red-headed step-child last two times at our place. Two games ago, he had QQ vs AQ on a AxQAx board. Boooo...

Last night he raised a small pp out of the sb and got one caller. Flopped a set, they saw the turn, he lead out, opponent went all in. Board was like T439r. Yeah, call. Oh, look at that... you turned a two-out set of nines, nice hand, Sir.

He was displeased.


That boy got gamble, that's all I can say about him. Towards the end of the night, Paul threw $200 more at the game and made a great comeback. When the last hand was dealt Paul had a little over $700 in front of him to leave a not-so-sour taste in his mouth before quitting.

Kendrick was doing well most of the night until... what did happen? All I remember is Paul saying "Kenny, you got a read on me." Kenny replied with "This mothafucka thinks I'm illiterate. Are you calling me a..." And then we recounted the story of his "oooh! I'm full" fiasco at the Pink game last Friday. We all, including Kenny, got a good laugh at that one.

Besmen lost his first buy in rather quickly to Keenan's lucky ass, but then doubled trough Keenan just a few hands later to get back to even. Big John's aforementioned pocket Aces helped put him over the hump and shortly before 11pm Besmen rolled out with a nice W under his belt.

E-Honda was so card dead last night that he started joking around and cussing me out saying "god damned dealer..." and then he came to senses. He realized it'd be much better to spend Wednesday Night getting shitty cards and get it out of his system then to spend all weekend in AC getting shitty cards while we're up there for ATLarge. Last I saw he ran into P-Doggie's fropped set, and it was all she wrote.

Nevin had won a few pots before getting into that pot with Greg and Greg's lucky Kings, so he had a few chips left to rebuild with. I dealt the first 150 minutes of the game and while I was taking a break, Nevin had built his stack up to well over $400. By the end of the night, he had a very nice rack o' red in front of him, atleast. Who knows, maybe's back!

There were a few others that showed later night, but sorry - to get your name in the papers, you've got to show up on time!

Thank you all for coming out, we're doing it again next Wednesday at the same time, same place.