Monday, November 06, 2006

First to worst, and other hands

Ah, The Donkey Corral. You gotta love it when you pop the $4 live straddle for $13 more, get five-way action to the flop, it comes out ATA w/ a spade draw, it checks to you, and you make it $55. Then some donk c/r's you for the minimum, you ship it for about $100 on top of his c/r, and he turns up the monster that is A7o.

Well, nh sir, but I've got TT for tens full.

Oh, look at that, seven on the turn! Now I've got one out. This game is fun!

The Bad Beat Jackpot is up to $3,073 now. We picked up a few new players last week and between the beats those two and Pops and PDoggie were taking, the pots got big.

I heard a rumor that Superdave made it out of Atlantic City alive and he will be attending again this coming Wednesday.

Cards in the air at 1900 (7PM for you simple folx!) Hit me up via AIM or E-Mail to lock up a seat.


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